About Me
My name is Michelle Graham. I live in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada with my husband, 2 children and 2 furry girls, my cats, Buddy and Missy (if you follow me on Instagram or Youtube you've probably seen them a lot).
After a fall that left me disabled in September 2013, I had to give up all my passions, including all my jobs. I’ll touch more on my disability in a future blog post.
Back in December 2015, my husband felt bad and knew I needed a creative outlet, as he saw I was becoming very depressed, so he bought me a sewing machine for Christmas. It was a Singer Simple, something to just get me started. I was so nervous, due to a past experience with a machine that didn’t end well, when I was in College, I didn’t touch the machine until January 2016. I started with simple patterns but then quickly moved into making quilts. My very first quilt was made for my daughter’s 12th Birthday. I was absolutely hooked and couldn’t wait to make my next project.

I remember laying in bed at night, thinking of all the things I wanted to make and just planning. I would look through Pinterest and on Google for inspiration. I literally wanted to make everything I saw.
One day I decided I wanted to make bags with a little more of a WOW! factor to them. So I started searching for beginner bags, I stumbled upon Sew Sweetness patterns.
In August 2017, I bought my first Sew Sweetness pattern. Well, actually, it was a 4-pack bundle because I loved the Sublime Bag and wanted to make the Amethyst Project Bag. I was too scared to make those patterns, they looked too hard but go big or go home right? Before tackling what appeared to be difficult patterns, I decided to try Sara's Easy Leather Hobo Bag in October 2017. This bag was going to be a gift for my MIL for Christmas that year. I was shocked at what I made. It’s that feeling of accomplishment that every sewist experiences. I was hooked on making bags.
I test bag patterns for many bag designers, one quilt designer and one garment designer. I am a brand ambassador for Sew HungyHippie. I'm also a strike sewist for a few custom hardware and fabric groups. I love being a tester, strike sewist and collaborating. It’s an honour to be trusted and to be able to offer my help and support. I hope to collaborate with many more designers and businesses in the future.
While I love sewing and testing patterns, there is also pattern hacking that I really enjoy. I love taking a pattern and keeping it with the original design but changing it up slightly to give it another use or slightly different look. I love showing different ways to use a pattern that others may not have thought of. For example, adding handles to a pouch or pockets, anything really.
Through my sewing journey, my husband has been super supportive. He is always taking me to purchase supplies, ordering me supplies, buying me anything for sewing as gifts, making sure I have the time to sew, and of course always telling me how awesome my creations are. I truly feel very lucky to have such an amazing and supportive husband. Then there’s my children, who understand how important sewing is to me. They will often sit with me to keep me company and help if I need it. My son has even taken an interest in sewing and has made a few beautiful items. It makes me very proud! I’m hoping one day my daughter will be interested and want to sew one day. Until then I’ll patiently wait because I don’t want to force her and make her hate sewing.
Sewing has become my passion, and at the same time, has become therapeutic for me. I love being able to create beautiful bags, quilts, etc, and help others create beautiful creations too. I love teaching and sharing any tips and tricks I can. I cannot wait to interact and help all of you and absolutely cannot wait to see all of your beautiful creations!!

Me with my main sewing machine, a Juki TL-2200QVP Mini.